Led by a CrossFit Trainer, each 45 minute group class features a structured warm-up, strength training and WOD (workout-of-the-day) segments. All movements can be modified for any fitness level, from beginner to advanced. You will be presented with a different workout each visit, providing the variety many people need to stay committed and become well rounded in a fitness program.
Enjoy the flexibility to train with full 24/7 access to a dedicated facility and equipment to compliment your desired fitness program. Available as a stand alone membership or as an add-on to CrossFit, Open Gym access provides a great opportunity for skill development, accessory exercises and mobility work outside coached of classes. Weightlifters and Powerlifters looking for a platform space, calibrated plates and specialty bars would also fall under this program.
Members interested in honing their barbell technique will inevitably need additional instruction and practice outside of our regular CrossFit programming. BattleBarbell classes aim to refine and reinforce your abilities with the progression and repetition every athlete needs to improve.
Everyone has different fitness goals. No matter what they are, CrossFit Battlefield will help you achieve them. A Coach will work with you one-on-one to tailor workouts specifically for your needs and monitor your progress. This type of training is especially beneficial to those returning to activity from an injury, those with specific movement limitations, athletes looking to excel in specific niche areas (olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, CrossFit) or anyone who prefers a more individualized approach.
Are you looking to make a positive lifestyle change outside the gym? We provide the coaching needed to succeed while you enjoy the food you eat! Our Nutrition Coach will provide each client with an individualized program and assessment which takes into account a variety of factors including energy requirements, activity level and workout timing. Weekly check-ins will keep you accountable so that you can accomplish your desired results.