CrossFit is a fitness methodology designed for everyone. Yes, EVERYONE! Whether you are a well-trained athlete, a stay at home parent or simply looking for a lifestyle change, CrossFit is a great place to start.
Defined as constantly varied functional movement performed at high intensity, CrossFit optimizes physical competence across multiple fitness domains. The overall goal of CrossFit programming is to promote efficient movement patterns that will translate into your everyday life and longevity.
Our goal at CrossFit Battlefield is to help you achieve the healthiest possible version of yourself, inside AND outside of our four walls!

What is CrossFit?
CrossFit is a fitness methodology designed for everyone. Whether you are a well-trained athlete, a stay at home mom or simply looking for a healthy lifestyle change, CrossFit is a great place to start! Defined as a constantly varied, high-intensity functional movement program, CrossFit provides variety across multiple fitness domains. The overall goal of CrossFit programming is to promote efficient movement patterns that will translate into your everyday life.
Our goal at CrossFit Battlefield is to help you achieve the healthiest version of yourself in and outside of our four walls!

I never in my life would have seen myself falling in love with CrossFit. It’s intimidating, it’s intense and it’s downright difficult but the coaching and culture at CrossFit Battlefield have been nothing but amazing and supportive. By stepping into CrossFit Battlefield you are setting yourself up for success and results.
2+ year Member
I never in my life would have seen myself falling in love with CrossFit. It’s intimidating, it’s intense and it’s downright difficult but the coaching and culture at CrossFit Battlefield have been nothing but amazing and supportive. By stepping into CrossFit Battlefield you are setting yourself up for success and results.